We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful night for trick-or-treating! It was 65 degrees out and such a perfect night to be outdoors.
Carter was done in less than one hour, he was home by 7:15! By done, I don't mean he did the entire 'hood, I mean that he had reached his max on how long he wanted to be out in the chaos. So by the time he circled around the block, he had already dumped his pumpkin once into the bag Tom brought, and he was ready to come home, dive into his candy, and call it a night.
Olivia gladly put her costume on, even let me draw some whiskers onto her face, but then wanted nothing to do with the festivities that go along with Halloween. Like, trick-or-treating or even glancing at anyone she wasn't familiar with. We made it to one house with her, and she was not happy. So I came back home and she helped me pass out candy.
She tried her first lollipop ever tonight, and boy did she enjoy it! She kept saying "Mmmmm! Mmmm! Good candy!" It was really cute. But I was paranoid that she would somehow suck it so hard that it might come off the stick, so I watched her intently. Then of course, the inevitable happened. We went outside for a few minutes and she dropped it in the mulch. She wasn't a happy camper when she saw that it was so dirty.
Here's a couple of pictures from the evening!
Her first time with a lollipop!

Kept cool with my beverage - isn't that beer Koozie cute with the rhinestone Colts horseshoe? (thanks, Mom!)

Here's a shot of the neighborhood gang that trick-or-treats together through the 'hood. Notice the wagon - it is not for children, it is a cooler on wheels for the evening. Stocked with cold ones to keep the parents happy. They're all ready to roll!

Here's a shot of some neighbors gathering in front of our house, devising their plan of attack. It was a terrific night!