Happy 9 month (9 mo, 14 days) birthday, Olivia!
You weigh 21 pounds...
You are 28 and three-quarter inches long...
You are sitting, speed crawling, finding every nook and cranny not babyproofed, & pulling yourself up to a stand. You can clap your hands, point to objects you know in books, say "teddy", (TD) "dadda" (da-da), "kitty" (k-eeee), use sign language for more, hat, kitty, bird, all-done. You have tried all the pureed fruits and veggies and have started to self-feed pieces of Gerber brand carrots, green beans, pears, apples, peaches and Stars. You like yogurt, oatmeal and popsicles that Grampy sneaks you. You are growing out of your clothes faster than I can restock them. Size 12 months is the new size you are fashioning now. My heart is sad when I put all your smaller clothes in storage bins. Doesn't seem possible that you have reached these milestones already. Weren't you just born?
I don't have your head circumference written down, but Dr. W says it's growing perfectly - so that's all that matters. I can tell you though, it's shaped just like mine was; round and bald! Mine is still very round, but far from bald. Some day, you will have hair my sweets! In fact, I just found some pictures of myself labeled 8 months old, sitting in a highchair that I'm sure is not even CLOSE to be considered "code" these days. Some shiny metal doo-dad covered in lead paint that was probably all the rage fashionably speaking, 34 years ago. I have to say, we look exactly alike at this age. Carter was quite confused when he saw it. He is having a hard time learning that I was once a baby - he can't quite figure that one out. To him I'm just Mom - couldn't possibly have been a baby, or little girl. Kinda cute, isn't it?
So today Olivia had to get shots. I hate those appointments. She hates those appointments. The silver lining to it though, was that I thought she had to get 4 shots. Turns out she only needed 1, then I opted for the flu shot for her also, so she only had 2 pokes. I asked to see the package that the shots came in so that I could verify that there was no (widely controversial) Thimerosal preservative used in either. She did say that the flu shot for 3+ does still contain it, but is available without. I never vaccinated Carter with the flu shot, so this is new to me with Olivia. She has to get another one after 30 days. At her 12 month appointment, she'll get her 3 other shots. Ugg... just the thought makes my tummy turn. It would be foolish not to vaccinate though, so I have to roll with it.
I snapped some pictures of the Queen today after her 9 month appointment. I bought her this really cute hat at Target this week and think she looks delicious in it! So I had to include the new winter accessory in her photo shoot! Maybe if I make her wear it every day, she will become used to it being on her head by the time she actually needs to wear it outside. She's at the age that wants no part of a bib, socks or hat. Frankly, she'd prefer no clothes either, but I don't want to clean the carpets after accidents she might have in the buff. I'd get a puppy if I were up for that challenge. I'm not. I want a poop-free zone. So we'll keep her clothes on, and continue to visit the Humane Society to get our fix.
Here she is!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
STATS: 9 - 21 - 28 3/4
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7:08 PM
Labels: Autism, photos, pictures, Thimerosal
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John, you and your sense of humor! I guess she would be tall when she can stand on her own, instead of being measured on the exam table lying down! ha-ha...
"popsicles that Grampy sneaks you"
She likes me best :)
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