Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

glitter graphics

Wow - another year! Remember when it was going to turn "2000" and how strange that was going to sound rolling off of our tongues? Eight years later... time sure flies.

2007 was a pretty good year, despite losing my beloved grandmother in March. Some of my favorite highlights of the year started off with the birth of our daughter on January 3rd, the Colts won the Superbowl, we had a terrific 10-day family vacation in Florida at the start of summer, my girlfriend's little boy finished his 2 yrs of cancer treatment, and my son started school full-time into the first grade last Fall!

I'm not even going to kid myself into making any New Year's Resolutions! Thankfully, I'm pretty happy in my life and there's not too much I want or need to do differently! Too much is they key word - there are always things that could be improved upon so I'll quietly work on those and maybe even update the progress - or lack thereof...

Have a terrific 2008 - I'm looking forward to the seasons changing into some warmer weather. Can you believe I just said that? Me, wanting the warm weather? Well, it's a long winter after the holidays come and go, so yearning for the warmer weather to get here isn't that crazy. Especially when I glance at my outdoor digital reading and it says a mere 8 degrees. And it's snowing. Cocoa anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed your blog.
2007 was my year to be a blog reader!
Please continue in 2008.