Monday, May 19, 2008

Hey, it's May!

Hard to believe that the month of May is almost over, really. It seems we've been pretty busy around here to just now look up and see that there are not too many days left of it. Which means, school will be out very soon. HELP! Even the pool will be ready for swimming next weekend. Of course it will be freezing cold for the next month or so until it really warms up - but the kids don't care. They sit on the side with their blue lips and teeth chattering and claim, "No! I'm not cold!" when you suggest getting out and drying off.

Anyway - here's just a little update of what we've been up to this month - and some pictures to go along with the happenings!

Earlier this month a group that I belong to called Mothers and More did one of our community outreach projects, and we cooked and served breakfast to the families staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Indianapolis. RMH is located at the Riley Hospital for Children and they also have an off-site location available for families. These families can stay overnight here when they have an inpatient child at the hospital. We also collected donations for their in-house pantry and the house in general. It was a wonderful morning and we are looking forward to serving again!

click photos to enlarge

Mother's Day was great! I was showered with love from my family. Carter made me an adorable gift at school and the kids gave me cards and a beautiful picture frame to put three of my favorite shots in. Tom got me a gift card to my favorite nursery to get some flower baskets, my parents gave me two great planters for my deck and my in laws came over and planted a climbing clematis plant at my light post in the yard, which will have white flowers when in bloom.

click photos to enlarge

I spent last week buying some flowers and planting. I have my pots filled and I am eager to see everything fill out as the summer progresses. Carter really wanted to plant some vegetables this year, so I agreed to plant two in some containers. He chose tomatoes (Roma) and I chose Bell Peppers. I think we may do some pole green beans too. I also planted an herb garden in a container, which has basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic chives and cilantro. I'm excited to have the herbs on-hand right here to cook with. Let's hope they're not dead in a month! I am not known for my green thumb!

click photos to enlarge

Mother's Day was also exciting this year because Tom's graduation was that day! He's the proud recipient of a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Information Technology. It was a great ceremony and we are all very proud of his accomplishment. While his parents and I attended the day's festivities, my parents were gracious to stay back and watch our kids all day so we could attend without distractions. They were sorry to miss the formalities, but we got together for a nice dinner back at my in law's house that evening so we could all celebrate!

click photos to enlarge

Carter had a school function this month called Young Authors. One of his classmate's mom is a children's book author. She came into the class and shared a couple of her books with the students. Her illustrator even came in one day to teach the kids how to draw a couple of things too. The kids had to create their own story, illustrate it, sew the binding, make a cover etc. They presented their books to all the parents at Young Authors night. Each child got to read their story out loud to their group of parents, and show us the illustrations they made. It was incredibly cute and he did such a great job! Another little treasure to add to his keepsake book.

click photos to enlarge

Well that's all I'm going to cover in this post. We're looking forward to a nice 4-day weekend next week for Memorial Day. The Indianapolis 500 is next weekend, so the city is certainly geared up for all the hoopla that accompanies the race. I think we might hit the zoo for the first time this season before the end of May. We're looking forward to bringing Olivia to see the animals, and we are already chuckling at the thought of her reaction. We have a feeling she may be quacking like a duck, meowing like a cat or barking like a dog a lot that day. That is what she does for most animals she sees, regardless of their species! Should be cute - and yes, there will be pictures...


Jennifer said...

Wow, you have been busy lately.

Congratulations to Tom, what an awesome accomplishement.

Sounds like your Mother's day was very nice this year, how wonderful.

Anonymous said...

The kids are getting big...time flies huh. The baby looks like your baby picture.....A little I told ya GOD was gonna get you back for all the things you did to your Its called karma. They are beautiful! Tell ya hubby Congrats on the BS. I will be cleaning the pool this weekend thinking of you. I hope you do the

Patty Laro-Harper
Derry, NH