Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 18 - The Next American Idol?

The most adorable cuteness totally trumps the terrible dark and grainy recording of Olivia's rendition of the ABC song. You'll notice she doesn't quite know how to end the song. The part where you are supposed to sing, "now I know my ABC's etc..." she just starts it over again and throws in a big cheer to end it.

Am I gushing? Nah, didn't think so....

In case you don't understand her speech, she gets distracted at first by the light on my recorder, and points it out, but then finds it within herself to perform.

Note, the pajamas, Easter hat and Tutu she is accessorizing with, is a common occurance in our home. She loves to dress up, and dance around.

Next American Idol? Possibly... or perhaps a contestant on Project Runway?

Here she is, 22 months old.


JoEllen said...

Omigosh~ she is sooo cute!! My kids use to do that starting over at the end also!

Marianna said...

Katie bar the door!! She is simply too cute.

Anonymous said...

OMG She is so precious.
That was awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - that was too darn cute!!! I love that age...thanks for sharing. I've been busy and haven't been peeking in here as much as I like - esp because I know you are posting once a day in NOV! You go girl! I still have to do my fall leaves post...um from 2 wks ago.... it's been busy!

Joanne said...

OMG. So cute! I love the choreography!

Anonymous said...

looks like future blackmail to me...