I should keep a notebook of things that I overhear kids talking about. I take such pleasure in listening in on what little kids have to talk about with their friends. Sometimes the chatter is so cute I wish I could bottle it up, so that when I need a quick giggle I can put my ear to the lid and gently twist it open to listen to the cuteness over and over again.
Take for instance, this latest bit I overheard. I was in my kitchen with the sliding door to the backyard open, when I heard two of my neighbor kiddos on the deck talking and looking at my potted vegetables. They are 3.5 (boy) and 5 (girl) years old....
The plant of choice they were studying was my Red Bell pepper plant....(by the way, don't they look good? I need to pick them, like SOON!)
It went a little something like this....
Boy: (big inhale of excitement) "WOW! Look, Carter's growing...... APPLES!"
Girl: (hands on hips, shaking head as only a girl can do before correcting someone) "No Evan, those aren't apples. Those are CUCUMBERS. C'mon, let's go play!"
I'm still giggling when I think about how cute it was. See, even if you live in Indiana, or anywhere else in the Midwest, that doesn't mean your family must live on a farm and can identify crops at the tender ages of 3.5 & 5!
LOL...cute! And he veggies look great!!
that's hilarious. but cucumbers can be tricky; my boyfriend's thirty and he keeps calling cucumbers "zucchini."
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