Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sometimes You Just Need A Little Chocolate... NOW

We've reached the point in Olivia's life where she now wants to be included in everything. No longer can Carter ask for a treat or even something to drink without hearing squawks from Little O wanting some too.

And along with this new protesting skill she's mastered, she no longer wants any help. With anything. Which makes for some interesting battles here now. Specifically, when it comes to eating. She wants the plate on her tray. She wants no part of anyone scooping the food for her, and even throws a mini-fit if she's in a mood and spots you cutting her food up. Ugg.

So I figured I'd better capture the moment in time when it is still considered a little cute when she's being demanding. Like, when Carter already has his chocolate pudding cup open and we are obviously not being fast enough getting one to her.

I can understand though. Because to us women, sometimes you just need a little chocolate... NOW!

Emergency Chocolate Siren...

Chocolate Bliss...

The Chocolate High...


Anonymous said...

LOL, now that's a pretty good one. I agree, capture those moments when it's still funny and not maddening ;-) I have a good one of Anna crying on the big wheel in the grass. She was so darn mad that she couldn't make it go on the grass but refused to move it anywhere else or stop trying. So I took a picture! She was probably about the same age, maybe a tad older :)

Andrea said...

John - hahaha - She is at least wearing her Patriots bib. We get an A for effort! :)

JoEllen said...

Love the pictures! I can't get over her hair.....hopefully she doesn't get the attitude that came with my redhead! LOL!!!

Marianna said...

She is perfectly adorable!!!

Karen said...

Olivia, I'd be crying too if my brother had chocolate and I didn't. You poor thing!

Shannon said...

Love those pictures, Andrea! She is so beautiful... love her hair.

I need some chocolate now...