Whew - cutting this day close to my posting cut-off time. Still got two hours left of the day so I'd better get typing!
Ok.. where to start. I'm a bit frazzled because I just returned from volunteering at Movie Night at Carter's school, so I'm unwinding by writing....
Today was a didn't-get-too-much-accomplished day. Again, I had to catch up on my Tivo'd stuff because alas, The New Receiver is ready to be rolled out tomorrow. Well, I did manage to get some stuff done, like the usual straightening up and a couple loads of laundry - but nothing else! Oh, actually, I tackled the ever-growing pile of magazines that I hardly get the chance to flip through, and put them out in the recylcling for next week. So, sometime between 8:30a-12:30p they will be here to install it tomorrow. Tom is pretty excited. Me, not so much. Now I have to learn a new system for recording my shows. And a new remote controller. I'm more from the school of not fixing something if it ain't broken - and my Tivo is not broken!! Grrr... but I've already vented about that in an earlier post, so I won't drag you down with me. Anyway, I caught up on some Oprah's - the Osmond's were on - that was a pretty cool show! I also saw one this week, a 2-part with a woman that hoarded "stuff" for the past 10 years. I could not believe the stuff they took out of her home. 75 TONS of garbage first of all, then filled a 10,000 SF warehouse with all the things she hoarded that were new with tags etc. Just when you think YOU have problems..... heh. Still have to watch Grey's Anatomy tonight, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Then it's a clean slate for tomorrow's transition.
Christmas light installers came a day early and they were done in under 2 hours! I couldn't believe it - last year it took 5 hours or something ridiculous like that. Today there was a crew of 4 and they were fast. Can't wait to plug them in next week. Tom will probably work on getting the other lights up in the bushes and trees etc. this weekend. Ugg, that means the pressure is on me to start moving my decorations out of the attic. Aye yi yi! We just threw out our pumpkins from Halloween - I'm feeling the crunch! I can not believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away! I'm looking forward to it though. This year, we're going to Mary Jane & John's for dinner. Carter has already been thinking about what movie he's going to watch in their basement home theatre room - it rocks! Wonder if they have Finding Nemo? I may have to bring ours, but I wouldn't be surprised if they already have it. They have quite a collection of movies!
So as I mentioned, tonight was movie night at school. The showing was The Polar Express. This is one of Carter's favorite movies (and book that we read alot), so I knew it would keep his attention most of the time. I was very proud of his behavior tonight. He stayed in his spot the whole time and kept his hands to himself. A challenge of his for sure - and he met it! I'm going to give him a pack of football cards tomorrow for doing such a nice job making good choices tonight. Tom bought one of those 15 pack of 6-card packs so we reward him with one or two when he does something commendable. He hasn't figured out we have them stashed, we just spring them on him when the right time comes. He is really into them - as he is with the NFL in general. He even has a book with pages to slide the cards into. I love that he gets such a huge smile when we give him a pack of cards (there's 6 cards in a pack), because he gets so excited to open them up and see who's in there!
So I need to go swallow a bottle of Tylenol for this Movie Night headache I suddenly have (nah, it wasn't THAT bad, but I do need some!) and say goodbye to my Tivo. Hopefully tomorrow when I'm not so tired I will write something a bit more interesting. Maybe some photos? Until then.....
Friday, November 16, 2007
Day 16 - Movie night, Christmas Lights and more...
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: Christmas lights, movie, Oprah, Tivo
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